Previous Ectopic Pregnancy Now Pregnant Again

Subsequently experiencing an ectopic, I was able to have a successful pregnancy and am now the proud mother of a beautiful daughter.

Dr. Tami Prince, OBGYN, Women's Health and Wellness Middle of Georgia


I am not an skilful, only this is my unique story of heartbreak, resentment, and finally, pregnancy elation! My story is more than only a unique set of circumstances. It is a story of relentless faith that allowed me to go the female parent I e'er dreamed of beingness!

In this article, I will brainstorm past sharing my personal journey from an ectopic pregnancy to a successful pregnancy. And so I will answer diverse tubal-pregnancy-related FAQs from a more than technical point of view. I hope this article will assist answer your questions and ease your concerns regarding this difficult feel.

My Personal Experience With Ectopic Pregnancy

I married my high school sweetheart when I was 19 years old. So, at 22 and 24, we were ready to add to our family. Much to our delight, it only took a couple of months to become pregnant. In Baronial 2002, nosotros were set up to announce to our friends and family that we were expecting our first child.

I called the dr., told my friends, and just relished in the fact that I was going to exist a mommy. My starting time dr.'south appointment was in September, and the days seemed to drag by. A few days before my commencement appointment, I woke up to find that I was spotting. A quick call to the OB/GYN reassured me this was normal. The nurse said to take it easy and phone call if the bleeding increased. Well, x hours subsequently, I was in the emergency room.

Later on a few hours and endless tests, the doctors informed my married man and I that I had experienced a "lilliputian miscarriage." My uterus was empty, and there were signs that I had passed the fetus. Most likely I would non need a D&C (dilation and curettage). They reassured me that everything was going to be okay. They told me to keep my doctor's date and that I could start trying again in 1 month.

Although I was devastated, I was hopeful that my next pregnancy would exist flawless. I visited my OB/GYN, who comforted me and echoed the advice of his coworker who had cared for me in the ER. My ultrasound was clear, but the doc ordered follow-up hCG levels. It looked like I had a large ovarian cyst.

Non Feeling Well After Miscarriage

I woke upward four days afterward feeling very sick and had a cramp in my lower abdomen. During the "miscarriage," I lost a nifty deal of blood vaginally (and I would soon find I was haemorrhage internally also). I thought that the fact that I was feeling ill was due to everything I had been through in the terminal 10 days, but 2 hours subsequently waking up, I received a startling phone call from my OB/GYN.

The doctor had merely seen my latest hCG levels and was alarmed. Instead of continuing to decrease, the numbers had increased, merely not enough to convince my dr. that I was nevertheless significant. Instead, he told me he suspected I had an ectopic pregnancy.

The next few hours are a whirlwind that I don't remember well. I was rushed to the hospital, where I conferred with my md and was told that he might have to remove my fallopian tube. The doctor went on to inform me that the removal of my fallopian tube, a salpingectomy, would event in a 30% chance that I would never excogitate. I was devastated but had no fourth dimension to argue. My life was on the line.

My husband had gone four-wheeling, and no i could reach him—then I went into surgery with my female parent past my side and a one thousand thousand unanswered questions. When I awoke from surgery, my first question was whether the doctors had removed my tube. To my horror, I was told that my tube had been destroyed by the ectopic pregnancy. I also had a great deal of internal bleeding. It would exist a long journey of healing alee.

Mourning My Loss

The days following my miscarriage were dark. I was dealing with then much, and I was only 22 years erstwhile. Still, several appointments and tests led the doctors to believe I would excogitate again. Unfortunately, it could not happen soon enough for me. Every calendar month, I would concur my breath while I took a pregnancy test. But I was ever disappointed when the exam came up negative. Obsession sank in, and I started driving myself crazy!

In Baronial of 2003, my husband and I decided to stop trying to have a infant. Nosotros realized the pressure of conceiving was affecting our relationship. Nosotros too knew we still had plenty of time to conceive in the future. To make certain I would non get pregnant until nosotros were ready, I made an appointment with my OB/GYN to get nativity control.

Curlicue to Keep

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On the phone with the doctor's office, the nurse asked if there was whatsoever chance I was pregnant. I laughed at the research and said "no," but ii days before the appointment, I started to go a familiar feeling. I was positive I was pregnant but convinced myself it was in my head.

Against my improve judgment, I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. To my consummate disbelief, the exam was immediately positive. I was so shocked that I didn't tell anyone for a few hours. Finally, I told my husband who was shocked as well.

Factors Affecting Fertility After Ectopic Pregnancy

Considering my fallopian tube had to be removed, my obstetrician was very honest with me about my fertility. He told me the chances of having another infant after an ectopic pregnancy depend on the post-obit:

  • Mother's age
  • Whether the mother has other children
  • Why the ectopic pregnancy occurred

Anxiously Awaiting Confirmation

I wanted to jump for joy and tell anybody I knew that we were finally significant over again, just our previous experience prevented united states from being happy until we knew it was a reality.

Our family doctor agreed to do the hCG claret test for us. The numbers came dorsum positive, simply the existent examination was to see if they would double in 48 hours.

When the numbers doubled, my husband and I were relieved. My OB/GYN wanted to see the states correct abroad instead of waiting for the traditional appointment at 8 to 10 weeks. My first ultrasound of my daughter was at five weeks and three days, and to my resounding joy, her heart was beating.

The Complicated Pregnancy

My infant girl had an expected due date of July 4, 2004. My husband was ecstatic and then was the rest of my family. Equally for myself? I was terrified. I thought that all my reservations about pregnancy would be over, merely my fears only increased.

Every visit to the md's part led to more problems. I had horrible forenoon sickness, gestational diabetes, and then spotting at 21 weeks. My worst fearfulness was that I was going to lose the baby, which would take destroyed me. I wouldn't even let myself imagine life with her because I was and so agape information technology was never going to happen.

At the outset of June 2004, I adult toxemia and was on constant pins and needles. My due engagement, which had been moved from July fourth to June 29th, looked like it was going to be even sooner.

My md was concerned that the baby might be too big for me to evangelize and wanted to schedule a C-department. I didn't want this, but I agreed that I would consent if absolutely necessary. On June 14, 2004, the dr. decided it was more than dangerous for me to stay pregnant than for me to deliver. I was scheduled for induction on June 19, 2004, and put on consummate bed residual for the next five days.

Welcome to the World, Baby Erica!

On June fifteen, 2004, I woke up uncomfortable. I tried sitting upwards, lying on my side, and standing up, but nothing helped. I called my mom, who came over immediately. I decided not to bother my married man at work just because I was uncomfortable.

My mom arrived and informed me that I was in labor. I didn't believe her. I had gone to birthing classes, so I was convinced my tight belly and crampy abdomen were not labor signs. I chosen the doctor, and the nurse blew me off. My mother—who had 4 children, including triplets—insisted we go to labor and delivery because the hospital was 45 minutes abroad.

Before long after arriving at the hospital, I found out I was indeed in labor. I was amazed considering I felt fine, just a tad uncomfortable. When the doctor informed us that I was iv centimeters dilated, I knew I had to telephone call my husband. My hubby arrived at 1 pm, and the doctors told usa to prepare for a long night of waiting. Nosotros told everyone to expect until the adjacent day to come because I was going to be there awhile.

Even as I was in labor, I was notwithstanding doubting the fact that I was going to be a female parent. My anxiety and fears would non let me savor the moments correct before I gave birth. And yet, contrary to what everyone believed, and without the epidural the nurse insisted I accept, my girl was born at 7:17 pm on June xv, 2004.

I held my jiff while she was examined. When the nurses didn't move every bit quick as I thought they should, I began shouting at them. Finally, I had confirmation. My vii-pound-eleven-ounce infant girl was completely healthy. When they handed her to me, I cried. All the fear and anxiety that I had carried around for the concluding two years was finally gone. I was a mommy!

Pregnancy Later on Ectopic Is Possible

I don't often share my story because information technology is painful, but I desire other people to know that having a baby afterward an ectopic pregnancy is absolutely possible! Having religion and believing it would happen is the only way I survived my emotional ordeal. If I had given up, I probably would never have become a female parent.

At present that you've heard my story, I'd like to share some more information about tubal pregnancies in general. Below y'all volition find the answers to many oft asked questions about ectopic pregnancies and the possibility of successful pregnancies thereafter.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

There are three principal symptoms associated with this type of pregnancy, though only about 50% of women experience all 3. Unfortunately, some women don't experience any symptoms until the construction containing the ectopic pregnancy (i.e., fallopian tube, ovary, or abdomen) ruptures, at which betoken immediate medical attending is critical.

  1. Sharp pains in the abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, or neck (especially astringent pain that occurs on one side of the belly)
  2. Absence of menstrual period
  3. Vaginal bleeding or spotting

Dizziness, fainting, and rectal pressure are besides common symptoms of tubal pregnancy.

How is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed?

Blood hormone tests and pelvic ultrasounds are the nearly mutual ways to diagnose this type of pregnancy. A D&C (dilation and curettage) is some other evaluation option.

What is a D&C?

A D&C, or dilation and curettage, is a process for removing tissue from the uterus. During a D&C, the cervix is dilated using modest instruments or a medication. So, a curette is used to remove uterine tissues (via either scraping or suction). D&Cs can be used to diagnose and treat various uterine weather condition from polyps to molar pregnancies. Though they tin't care for ectopic pregnancies, they are sometimes used to diagnose them. If the procedure confirms the presence of early pregnancy tissue, it is very likely not to be an ectopic pregnancy. If, on the other mitt, no pregnancy tissue is nowadays, treatment for an ectopic pregnancy volition likely be recommended.

Are D&Cs dangerous?

Rarely. D&Cs are usually very safety, but as with whatsoever medical procedure, there are risks. These include:

  • Perforation of the uterus or nearby organs
  • Allergic reactions to medications and anesthesia
  • Infection of the neck or uterus (potentially requiring medication or another procedure)
  • Claret transfusion or additional surgery to control procedure-related haemorrhage

Could my ectopic pregnancy effect in a successful delivery?

No. The odds of bringing an ectopic pregnancy to term are roughly one in three meg. These exceedingly rare cases commonly result from the egg implanting somewhere in the abdomen rather than in the fallopian tubes. Abdominal pregnancies accept a much higher mortality rate for both the mother and fetus.

Can you get pregnant later an ectopic pregnancy?

Aye. Every bit long equally your ectopic pregnancy was treated without removing both fallopian tubes. Only it will be an inherently high-gamble pregnancy and will need to exist monitored closely.

If the ectopic pregnancy is treated without removing the fallopian tubes, or if one tube is removed (salpingectomy) only the other one is in good condition, a woman tin have a successful pregnancy in the future.

However, a woman who has had an ectopic pregnancy is at higher hazard of having some other 1. It is therefore crucial that women trying to excogitate again speak to their gynecologists virtually the risk of having another ectopic pregnancy and possible measures for early on evaluation of their next pregnancy.

Other risk factors that may affect your ability to get pregnant after an ectopic include pelvic inflammatory disease (usually caused by an untreated sexually transmitted disease similar Chlamydia or Gonorrhea), infertility treatment, smoking, DES exposure, tubal surgery, and endometriosis.

What are the chances of conceiving after an ectopic pregnancy?

Information technology depends on the health of your fallopian tubes. If you take at to the lowest degree one salubrious fallopian tube, your chances of having a successful pregnancy in the futurity are very skilful. The majority of women (about 65%) are meaning within xviii months of an ectopic pregnancy, with the figure ascent above fourscore% over two years.

How long should you await to try to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy?

3 months or two menstrual cycles (whichever comes outset). Be aware that the haemorrhage experienced in the first calendar week of handling for an ectopic pregnancy is not your first menstruation, but a response to hormone changes resulting from the lost pregnancy.

Though that'southward the fourth dimension your body needs to heal, accept care to consider your emotional health equally well. While some women might feel desperate to conceive again as soon equally possible after an ectopic pregnancy, others may need more time to recover, both physically and emotionally. Life later on an ectopic pregnancy is different for everyone, and there is no "right fourth dimension" to endeavor to excogitate over again.

Tin an ectopic pregnancy be transferred to the uterus?

No. There are only iii treatment options for ectopic pregnancies, and none of them involve transferring or attempting to save the embryo.

What are the treatment options for an ectopic pregnancy?

Surgery or medication. Treating this type of pregnancy as soon equally possible is crucial to the mother'due south safety. When diagnosed and treated early plenty, it is usually possible to save the fallopian tube involved. Below are the three treatment methods.

  1. Course of Methotrexate (MTX). MTX is a chemotherapeutic amanuensis that slows the growth of rapidly dividing cells (pregnancy tissue does exactly this). This treatment can exist administered as a single shot or every bit a series of injections. If a tubal pregnancy continues after two to three doses of methotrexate, surgical treatment is required.
  2. Laparoscopic surgery (a.1000.a. keyhole surgery). This involves the insertion of a laparoscope through the abdomen push button and into the belly. This blazon of surgery is generally unproblematic and allows for the normal healing of the fallopian tube, meaning that the involved tube may take the chance to facilitate a successful pregnancy in the future.
  3. Emergency surgery. If you experience heavy bleeding resulting from a tubal pregnancy, you may need emergency surgery via laparotomy. While there is sometimes a possibility that the fallopian tube can be repaired, if it has been ruptured, information technology must be removed (salpingectomy).

Laparotomy vs. Laparoscopy

Though they audio quite similar, these ii surgical approaches to tube removal are quite unlike.

Laparotomy Laparoscopy

Used when patient is unstable and there is evidence of a ruptured fallopian tube

Used when patient is stable and at that place is no evidence of a ruptured fallopian tube

Surgery through large incision in lower abdomen

Insertion of pocket-sized photographic camera through a small incision, with surgery through two or three boosted incisions

Longer recovery

Shorter Recovery

More postoperative pain

Less postoperative hurting

Longer hospital stay

Shorter hospital stay


  • Avant-garde abdominal pregnancy: an increasingly challenging clinical concern for obstetricians
  • Tin an Ectopic Pregnancy Be Saved?
  • Surgical Removal of Ovaries & Tubes
  • Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment | Saving a Tubal Pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
  • Height 3 Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms
  • Trying to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy: The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

This content is authentic and true to the all-time of the author's knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, handling, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed wellness professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may accept dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an private ground. Seek firsthand help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2012 Tawnya

Joan on May 06, 2020:

Your story is a mood changer, had an ectopic pregnancy in 2017.i just started trying for a baby terminal year December. I'm so positive that i volition agree my bundle of joy soonest past the Grace of God .pray for me

Jenkles2018 on Apr 23, 2020:


I just wanted to thank you for writing this mail service. My married man and I accept wanted children for years. We finally got our hazard in March this twelvemonth. I knew I was pregnant for 12 days before I had a rupture and had to take emergency surgery. I had to get through everything solitary considering of Covid while my poor husband had to sit at home and wait for my call. I lost my right tube and a litre of claret that day.

It was the most heartbreaking mean solar day of our lives and I am struggling to move on. This post has given me some hope that nosotros may have luck in the time to come.. cheers!

Misbah on April 02, 2020:

Hi anybody...thanks everyone for sharing your experiences its really helpful.i had a healthy baby male child on November 8 2019....north i had experienced ectopic pregnancy on march in my left tube....information technology was 2weeks n i was given methotrexate but at the 4th 24-hour interval my left tube got ruptured n i had to get to an emergency surgery and my left tube was removed on march 12 2020. But i am experiencing left side pain n lower abdominal pain like period it normal? Anyone experienced pain later on laparoscopy...

Sarah R on March 31, 2020:

My husband and I experienced our start pregnancy in a outburst fallopian tube at 9-10 weeks on the correct side in Sept 2019. We went through a lot of fertility meds afterward to endeavour and conceive again, and found out we were pregnant again. The day of my ultrasound March 10th 2020, we experienced a miscarriage. I am trying over again but sometimes information technology only hurts besides bad to break my husbands heart again and to never behave to term. I go on searching for similar stories, just they are few and far betwixt. Proficient luck to everyone :)

Neha on March 14, 2020:

I (age 27)had an ectopic pregnancy in 28 October 2017...I was treated with mtx on vi November 2017... I tried to conceive subsequently 3 cycles of menstrual... And was able to excogitate in the very first cycle of ttc... That was feb 2018... I delivered a healthy baby girl on 9 November 2018...

So don't lose hopes if you have faced ectopic pregnancy...

Keira Brown on Nov 24, 2019:

I had an ectopic pregnancy removal in September 2022 and I am currently pregnant at present due engagement June 17,2020 I was wondering volition I have to have an c-section due. To that for the ladies that's experienced an ectopic pregnancy n had a successful pregnancy maybe 1 of y'all could answer my question

with on August 04, 2019:

My husband and I take TTC for more 6 years when I establish out that I was meaning last year, we were excited. Days before my ultrasound, I spotted blood and ran to the ER where they diagnosed information technology as a miscarriage. I was told to become for a cleaning process and was given a pill, I waited for the pain, simply zip. I was so confused because there was no heavy haemorrhage or pain or anything. I went abode and my friend and I took a short walk. I and then felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and betwixt shoulders. Suddenly I couldn't walk or stand and we had to cease a passing by driver to get us back abode. I was in pain the whole nihgt and I was sweating and falling in and out of consciousness. When we got to the nearest hospital, the Dr on duty immediately suspected a tubal pregnancy. I was rushed to my Dr's hospital in an ambulance to accept an emergency surgery, because I was bleeding internally. Information technology was my starting time pregnancy. I lost one tube. Although it was very deplorable, I learnt a lot from information technology. Last week I tested positive once again, this time I am going to demand an ultrasound at 5 weeks, simply in case its another ectopic. I am more than worried than excited, I would actually dearest to exist a mother and give my husband a child, but the past experience keeps haunting me. I don't know how I volition cope with another ectopic. Even if an ectopic pregnancy is ruled out in this one I volition still take fear of something going wrong. I am 4 weeks now, goingh to meet my Dr side by side week.

Jacqy on February 20, 2019:

I had ectopic in November 2022 and my right tube was removed and so later on I asked the surgeon if there is a possibility for me to conceive again and he said Yes. Later on I've been thinking virtually information technology then much that I'm almost scared to expiry merely reading some of your testimonies has really given me a reason to smile again and I pray God gives everyone of us a testimony soon.God bless you all.

Alisha on September 20, 2018:

I've had 2 ectopic pregnancies. My kickoff was in July 2022 (my very offset pregnancy). Soon after finding out that I was pregnant, I began spotting and had some cramping simply cypher major (when speaking with family it sounded like normal pregnancy symptoms). The hurting got worse and I decided to see my GP. Later getting a few rounds of HcG tests, it was diagnosed as a miscarriage. Since it is standard to watch HcG levels until they hit 5 or less, I connected with my blood piece of work until I got a phone call from my GP that my numbers were rising. I went straight to an ER and was diagnosed with a pregnancy of unknown location. After iv more trips to the ER, where they took blood and did ultrasounds, I was finally diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in my correct tube and was given methotrexate.

My husband I decided once the waiting menstruum after methotrexate was over, we would keep trying. It took vii months merely we got pregnant once more. This time my HcG levels looked perfect. So while at 8 weeks and 2 days (just 2 days before our ultrasound), I began having stomach issues. At first constipation merely then frequent bowel movements. They were accompanied by some pain and a general unwell feeling. Equally the evening progressed, the pain got worse and I finally fainted. I was taken to the ER where it was discovered that my pregnancy was ectopic and in my left tube. My tube looked like it was rupturing and I was bleeding internally. After fainting again, I was rushed to surgery. I lost my left tube and was give 2 blood transfusions.

Later a long route to recovery (both physically and emotionally) nosotros decided to try IVF. We went this route since my left tube was gone and I was not confident in my right tube (but I should mention that ii fertility clinics said it was perfectly condom to keep trying with my remaining tube).

After our offset round and testing, we ended upward with two viable embryos. We tried our luck right abroad with the first but that ended in a very early on miscarriage.

After taking fourth dimension away from trying to conceive we tried again and I am now five weeks and 2 days pregnant. I'm at present very scared of every little hurting I feel on my right side (my remaining tube). Today, I kept having to use the washroom. Paired with the slight hurting I have on my right, I've been very scared. My IVF clinic is very aware of my history and has made an appointment for an ultrasound tomorrow AM. Of class if my pain gets worse, I volition head to the ER. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Nisha on August 23, 2018:

I've had a ectopic pregnancy back in 2012

My left tube was removed... never been pregnant before or after my ectopic.. My mate & I tried & tried to conceive never positive... but I've take a date to get my right tube flushed to make sure there zilch there that's stop my approving... I've been with my at present fiancé for now 12 years & I pray we get the moment to acquit & take our own baby fifty-fifty if it's only 1 .....

Nikki on August 22, 2018:

Only had an ectopic pregnancy lost my right tune has slight back ache n abdomen anguish feeling started loosing blood about average flow amount so I was worried only idea I'd be fine has ultrasound to find it was non in the right place, doctors informed me I have both ovaries and 1 good for you tube but il be at high take a chance of some other.... that didn't feel me with conviction I'yard going to wait for at least iii-4 months but I'm extremely scared it volition happen again and that il add more pressure coz I'thou scared has anyone had anything similar?

sharon on August 18, 2018:

My young man and I decided to accept a baby when i was 21 in 2011, but we failed, in feb 2017, I conceived and felt greatful to God, but unfortunately, one calendar month later we found out information technology was ectopic, my left tube was removed, today I have spent virtually one and a half years of recovery from ectopic, and am 28 at present, but no pregnancy. He wants to wed me before this year ends, but am so scared, I tin can't be without holding my own baby in my hands, pray for me. Thx also for yo testimonies those who finally fabricated it, am now somehow strong. Every woman's dream is to have a baby. May God hear our cry.

Natalie on August 15, 2018:

I fill like I am still pregnet

Kelly on June 26, 2018:

I had my offset ectopic pregnancy well-nigh a year agone in my correct tube which was treated with methotrexate. I was devastated but optimistic that I would be able to conceive again with no bug. My husband and I TTC later on three cycles and got a BFP! Unfortunately at a six week scan we found out that I had another ectopic, but this time in my LEFT tube! Nosotros were heartbroken! The 2d ectopic was treated with methotrexate again but I needed ii rounds of the shots considering the outset fix were unsuccessful in dissolving my pregnancy. This time I waiting for 6 months and scheduled to have an HSG which showed my right tube is clubbed and my medico suggested I have information technology removed. The day after the HSG I had my correct tube removed. I am now TTC again only I am so scared. I am praying that I could have a child. I am merely 24 and accept a 5 year erstwhile stepson who I love very much. I accept no i to talk to about all this and I can't imagine never having a child grow in my belly. Please help me anyone! I just demand someone to talk to!!

Vanessa on June 22, 2018:

I had an ectopic pregnancy in Dec 2022 where they were able to relieve my right tube. We tried again after about 4 months just didn't get pregnant again until fifteen months later shortly to notice out I was having some other ectopic on my right side again. I concluded up having the tube removed. The doctor said my left side was healthy and that if we wanted to effort afterward my first cycle postal service ectopic we can if nosotros're feeling eager. Today I am suppose to get my flow but haven't had any spotting. I'm feeling all sorts of stuff from both sides so I have no thought what'southward going on. I pray that this will be the month!

Tawyna I saw that your from NE Ohio. I'm origanally from there as well!

Ferlyn on June 16, 2018:

I had unruptured ectopic pregnancy. My right tube was removed last apr 18, 2018. As of at present, we take an appointment on my OB-Gyne to do shut monitoring on my case.

Until now, im in so much pain about what happened, Im yet afraid what volition be the consequence of all of this. Although I have a religion that i will be given an opportunity to be a mother, but back of my listen, Im still downward and feeling hopeless. Thank you for sharing your story on usa. For giving us inspiration.

Chy on June 04, 2018:

I had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured my left fallopian tube in October of 2017. I underwent laproscopic surgery to remove the tube and eliminate the pregnancy. I was told I could endeavor conceiving again in December. My spouse and I take been trying to conceive since January 2018. Last week I got a positive pregnancy test. This week I had lab work to monitor my HCG levels. I have an early on ultrasound scheduled for next calendar week and I am hoping for the all-time. Although it took 5 months to excogitate, I only desire to let it be known that there is hope for a pregnancy after an ectopic.

Hope on May 31, 2018:

Hi, last yr October I had an ectopic pregnancy surgery and one of my tube was removed, and so I'thousand only left with one fallopian tube. However, the doctor said I can still give birth to as many child. I call back I've waited for seven months without trying. I want to know, how long should I expect before trying agani?

Esther on May 15, 2018:

I accept an ectopic pregnancy in the year 2000 how is my chances of getting pregnancy

Stella on May 12, 2018:

Hi Tawnya, cheers for sharing your story. Information technology's painful yet amazing. Concluding yr, I besides had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and my tube was also removed. Last weekend, I found out that I am meaning. Information technology's pretty amazing. To add on, I had a miscarriage years agone... I also hope that our baby volition exist growing well and I cannot expect to hold him/her in my arms soon...

Brat on April 22, 2018:

I accept two sons 12 and 4. I had an ectopic pregnancy on my right side when I was 30. I have one tube and ii ovaries. I was told that I had a 50/50 chance of getting meaning, but I was significant with my son 3 mths later. He was 8lm lbs and 3 oz. He will be five yrs one-time in May. So, don't give up keep that faith.

CARLA on April 19, 2018:


Rizwana on April 08, 2018:

I have undergone ectopic surgery laprotonomy and one tube was god grace im pregnant again northward my dubiousness is on whether my delivery will be vaginal or c section

Martha on April 07, 2018:

please am scared, I had an ectopic pregnancy operation on 28 Jan and now I think am significant. is there a possibility I volition accept complications I need advice

Tawnya (writer) from NE Ohio on March 28, 2018:

I'm not a doctor or nurse, so I can't provide whatever medical communication. Just, find a doctor y'all trust, talk to them, and figure out what the best program is. Expert luck to you.

Julia on March 26, 2018:

I have actopic pregnancy in 2011 its possible to have another baby please I need ur advice

Rocky on March 24, 2018:

I had my tube removed afterward a ruptured ectopic in Dec 2017, and i just found out 4 days agone that i am expecting in March 2018.... im beyond nervous and praying I dont get-go bleeding or showing repeat signs... i havent even made an engagement all the same bcuz im then nervous

Percilla on March 24, 2018:

My hubby and I are newly weds and got pregnant two months later. Information technology is non my first child merely a first for him. My pregnancy seemed normal until I started spotting only a calendar week before my starting time appointment. I went to the ER and to my dismay it was an etopic pregnancy. I never idea since I already have previous pregnancies this could happen to me. Honestly I felt like something was telling me that there perchance something wrong but idea it was in my caput. Dorsum to the ER I didn't have to get surgery so I opt for Methotrexate instead. Anyone accept any success getting pregnant after this treatment?

Samina on March 15, 2018:

I had ectopic pregnanacy but abort that and now i desire pregnancy just cnt successfull afterward long fourth dimension abortion................... what i do ..... I thought my tubes nt wrking but i checked all medical reports... Doctors asked say t Allah

Tawnya (writer) from NE Ohio on Jan 16, 2018:

Howdy Carissa! Come back to let u.s.a. know how information technology's going. Every ache and pain in my pregnancy after the ectopic shook me. I couldn't relax until I was holding her in my arms. The best affair to do is relax and go along your spirits high. Volition be thinking of you.

Carrissa on Jan 15, 2018:

Hello i had an eptopic pregnancy dorsum October 17 and had to have my correct tube removed, I waited for the two periods they told me to wait until I tried once more, we started trying again before Xmas yesterday I found out I was pregnant I'g booked in tomorrow and Th for my bloods but I have a pain in my left side that has gone on and off during day but has lasted longer this eve I'g very scared and I experience alone as when I endeavour to talk to my family or my partner or even my best friend who is normally my rock I just get stop stressing, it's fine and I know they are trying to keep me positive and information technology'due south hard for them especially my mum as I'm only child so offset grandchild for my side, it really knocked me the eptopic was my first always pregnancy I know other women accept gone through what iv gone through and I think maybe speaking to someone who understands will assistance

Tawnya (author) from NE Ohio on January 14, 2018:

It's not impossible. I had 1 daughter. My sister likewise lost a tube and she had three children after. Notice a expert OB and talk information technology out with them.

Tawnya (writer) from NE Ohio on January 12, 2018:

They told me removing the tube decreased my chances of having a vaginal nascence. Simply, I was able to do it. Labor was fast. It was well-nigh seven hours from the time my h2o bankrupt until she arrived. I recall it only has to do with how well your body handles commitment. My sis too lost a tube to an ectopic pregnancy and she went on to have 3 easy vaginal births. Skilful LUCK!

Vanessa on January 12, 2018:

Hey, thank you for sharing your story. I myself had an ectopic pregnancy in 2012 and lost my left tube, my husband and I were terrified. In 2017, I finally got meaning and currently 33 weeks expecting my baby in feb 2018, then information technology is very possible. I've been having a good for you and like shooting fish in a barrel pregnancy and then far. My question is would the fact that I had the ectopic affect my chances of having a Vaginal nativity? My husband and I are so excited to meet our little boy.

Yhine on January 04, 2018:

Thank you for sharing your story somehow i feel inspired and not to be scared. I experienced nigh the same thing. I lost my twins last may simply were planning to get meaning this year, reading your story encourage me to be more than positive.

Tomi on October 31, 2017:

Hi ,I'm mena and I'm 23 years old when I got ectopic pregnancy And my md suggest me to get family planning so I exercise what my doctor advise me to exercise,I really want to have my own baby just I'm scared because I lost one fallopian tube and I stay for 2 years now then can you give me some advise or how I can become pregnant now or should I expect for some other one year.

Tawnya (writer) from NE Ohio on May 27, 2017:

Good Luck! Trying once again is extremely scary. My tube ruptured and I had internal haemorrhage. I was terrified to try once more. My husband was worried my entire pregnancy. Observe a dr. you lot're comfortable with. I wish you the best.

Tomi on May 26, 2017:

I had an ectopic pregnancy back in Jan of 2017, exactly a month subsequently I establish out I was pregnant. The doctor said that I almost had to have a complete hysterectomy and at the historic period of 23, that'south non what you wanna hear. I'm ready to start trying again, only my husband is withal worried. A part of me is scared to death that it'southward gonna happen again, while the other half is hopeful that the next one will be successful. My doc is reluctant to run across me since then crusade they know they could have defenseless this before I needed surgery. I get on June 16th to run into his NP and hopefully talk to her about starting to try again.

Anby on August 03, 2016:

I had ectopic rupture in 2013. Was told the tube had been damaged. Since and then, I have been scared of trying to get meaning again. I already accept 2 kids so I'm fine! Glad to read your story though. Very inspiring

Tawnya (author) from NE Ohio on December 27, 2015:

Awww, y'all are very welcome. Skilful Luck!

Autumn M on Nov twenty, 2015:

I but wanted to say thank y'all for sharing your painful & so joyous story . I had an ectopic pregnancy rupture October. 26. I'm having good days & bad simply this story helped me meet the other side.


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