Characteristics of Visual Art That Distinguish It From All Other Forms of Artistic Expression

Art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature

Vincent van Gogh painting The Church at Auvers from 1890 gray church against blue sky

The visual arts are art forms such every bit painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts and architecture. Many creative disciplines such as performing arts, conceptual art, and fabric arts likewise involve aspects of visual arts too equally arts of other types. Also included within the visual arts[1] are the practical arts[2] such as industrial pattern, graphic design, fashion pattern, interior design and decorative art.[three]

Current usage of the term "visual arts" includes fine fine art too as the applied or decorative arts and crafts, simply this was non always the case. Before the Arts and Crafts Motility in U.k. and elsewhere at the plough of the 20th century, the term 'artist' had for some centuries often been restricted to a person working in the fine arts (such as painting, sculpture, or printmaking) and non the decorative arts, craft, or applied Visual arts media. The stardom was emphasized by artists of the Arts and Crafts Motion, who valued colloquial art forms every bit much as high forms.[iv] Art schools fabricated a stardom between the fine arts and the crafts, maintaining that a craftsperson could not be considered a practitioner of the arts.

The increasing tendency to privilege painting, and to a lesser degree sculpture, above other arts has been a feature of Western art as well every bit East Asian art. In both regions painting has been seen as relying to the highest degree on the imagination of the artist, and the furthest removed from manual labour – in Chinese painting the most highly valued styles were those of "scholar-painting", at to the lowest degree in theory practiced past gentleman amateurs. The Western hierarchy of genres reflected similar attitudes.

Didactics and training [edit]

Training in the visual arts has more often than not been through variations of the apprentice and workshop systems. In Europe the Renaissance movement to increase the prestige of the creative person led to the university system for training artists, and today most of the people who are pursuing a career in arts train in art schools at tertiary levels. Visual arts accept now get an elective field of study in most education systems.[5] [6]

Drawing [edit]

Drawing is a means of making an image, illustration or graphic using any of a broad diverseness of tools and techniques bachelor online and offline. Information technology generally involves making marks on a surface by applying pressure from a tool, or moving a tool across a surface using dry out media such as graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoals, pastels, and markers. Digital tools, including pens, stylus, that simulate the effects of these are as well used. The main techniques used in drawing are: line drawing, hatching, crosshatching, random hatching, shading, scribbling, stippling, and blending. An artist who excels in drawing is referred to equally a draftsman or draughtsman.[7]

Drawing and painting goes back tens of thousands of years. Art of the Upper Paleolithic includes figurative art offset betwixt well-nigh 40,000 to 35,000 years ago. Non-figurative cavern paintings consisting of paw stencils and simple geometric shapes are even older. Paleolithic cave representations of animals are found in areas such as Lascaux, French republic and Altamira, Spain in Europe, Maros, Sulawesi in Asia, and Gabarnmung, Australia.

In ancient Egypt, ink drawings on papyrus, often depicting people, were used as models for painting or sculpture. Drawings on Greek vases, initially geometric, after adult to the homo grade with black-figure pottery during the 7th century BC.[8]

With paper condign common in Europe by the 15th century, drawing was adopted past masters such as Sandro Botticelli, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci who sometimes treated drawing equally an art in its own right rather than a preparatory phase for painting or sculpture.[9]

Painting [edit]

Mosaic of Battle of Issus Alexander against Darius

drawing of Nefertari with Isis

Painting taken literally is the practice of applying paint suspended in a carrier (or medium) and a bounden amanuensis (a glue) to a surface (back up) such as paper, sail or a wall. However, when used in an artistic sense it means the use of this activity in combination with drawing, composition, or other aesthetic considerations in order to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Painting is also used to limited spiritual motifs and ideas; sites of this kind of painting range from artwork depicting mythological figures on pottery to The Sistine Chapel to the human body itself.[x]

History [edit]

Origins and early history [edit]

Similar drawing, painting has its documented origins in caves and on rock faces. The finest examples, believed by some to be 32,000 years erstwhile, are in the Chauvet and Lascaux caves in southern France. In shades of ruby-red, brown, xanthous and black, the paintings on the walls and ceilings are of bison, cattle, horses and deer.

Raphael painting of Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary from 1514–1516

Paintings of human figures can exist plant in the tombs of ancient Egypt. In the great temple of Ramses Two, Nefertari, his queen, is depicted being led past Isis.[11] The Greeks contributed to painting but much of their work has been lost. One of the best remaining representations are the Hellenistic Fayum mummy portraits. Another example is mosaic of the Battle of Issus at Pompeii, which was probably based on a Greek painting. Greek and Roman art contributed to Byzantine art in the 4th century BC, which initiated a tradition in icon painting.[12]

The Renaissance [edit]

Apart from the illuminated manuscripts produced by monks during the Center Ages, the adjacent significant contribution to European fine art was from Italy'southward renaissance painters. From Giotto in the 13th century to Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael at the beginning of the 16th century, this was the richest period in Italian art as the chiaroscuro techniques were used to create the illusion of 3-D space.[13]

Rembrandt painting Night Watch two men striding forward with a crowd

Painters in northern Europe besides were influenced past the Italian school. Jan van Eyck from Belgium, Pieter Bruegel the Elder from the netherlands and Hans Holbein the Younger from Germany are among the most successful painters of the times. They used the glazing technique with oils to accomplish depth and luminosity.

Claude Monet painting Déjeuner sur l'herbe from 1866 artists stiing on picnic blanket

Dutch masters [edit]

The 17th century witnessed the emergence of the great Dutch masters such every bit the versatile Rembrandt who was especially remembered for his portraits and Bible scenes, and Vermeer who specialized in interior scenes of Dutch life.

Bizarre [edit]

The Baroque started after the Renaissance, from the late 16th century to the late 17th century. Main artists of the Baroque included Caravaggio, who made heavy use of tenebrism. Peter Paul Rubens, a Flemish painter who studied in Italia, worked for local churches in Antwerp and also painted a series for Marie de' Medici. Annibale Carracci took influences from the Sistine Chapel and created the genre of illusionistic ceiling painting. Much of the evolution that happened in the Bizarre was because of the Protestant Reformation and the resulting Counter Reformation. Much of what defines the Baroque is dramatic lighting and overall visuals.[xiv]

Impressionism [edit]

Impressionism began in France in the 19th century with a loose association of artists including Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Paul Cézanne who brought a new freely brushed fashion to painting, often choosing to pigment realistic scenes of modern life outside rather than in the studio. This was achieved through a new expression of aesthetic features demonstrated by brush strokes and the impression of reality. They accomplished intense color vibration by using pure, unmixed colours and short brush strokes. The move influenced art as a dynamic, moving through time and adjusting to newfound techniques and perception of art. Attending to detail became less of a priority in achieving, whilst exploring a biased view of landscapes and nature to the artists eye.[15] [16]

Paul Gauguin painting The Vision After the Sermon from 1888 nuns gathering around a small angel

Edvard Munch painting The Scream from 1893 man at bridge with hands to ears and mouth open

Post-impressionism [edit]

Towards the terminate of the 19th century, several young painters took impressionism a stage further, using geometric forms and unnatural color to depict emotions while striving for deeper symbolism. Of particular notation are Paul Gauguin, who was strongly influenced by Asian, African and Japanese art, Vincent van Gogh, a Dutchman who moved to France where he drew on the strong sunlight of the south, and Toulouse-Lautrec, remembered for his vivid paintings of night life in the Paris district of Montmartre.[17]

Symbolism, expressionism and cubism [edit]

Edvard Munch, a Norwegian artist, adult his symbolistic approach at the end of the 19th century, inspired by the French impressionist Manet. The Scream (1893), his most famous piece of work, is widely interpreted as representing the universal anxiety of modern homo. Partly as a effect of Munch's influence, the German expressionist motion originated in Frg at the offset of the 20th century every bit artists such every bit Ernst Kirschner and Erich Heckel began to distort reality for an emotional effect.

In parallel, the style known as cubism developed in France as artists focused on the book and space of sharp structures within a limerick. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque were the leading proponents of the move. Objects are broken up, analyzed, and re-assembled in an abstracted grade. By the 1920s, the way had developed into surrealism with Dali and Magritte.[18]

Printmaking [edit]

Ancient Chinese engraving of female instrumentalists

Ancient Chinese engraving of female instrumentalists

Printmaking is creating, for artistic purposes, an image on a matrix that is then transferred to a two-dimensional (flat) surface by means of ink (or another form of pigmentation). Except in the instance of a monotype, the aforementioned matrix can exist used to produce many examples of the print.

Albrecht Dürer engraving Melancholia I from 1541 seated angel contemplating figure

Historically, the major techniques (too called media) involved are woodcut, line engraving, etching, lithography, and screen press (serigraphy, silk screening) but there are many others, including mod digital techniques. Normally, the impress is printed on newspaper, merely other mediums range from cloth and vellum to more modernistic materials.

European history [edit]

Prints in the Western tradition produced before about 1830 are known as one-time master prints. In Europe, from effectually 1400 AD woodcut, was used for master prints on paper by using press techniques developed in the Byzantine and Islamic worlds. Michael Wolgemut improved German woodcut from about 1475, and Erhard Reuwich, a Dutchman, was the commencement to use cross-hatching. At the end of the century Albrecht Dürer brought the Western woodcut to a stage that has never been surpassed, increasing the status of the unmarried-foliage woodcut.[19]

Chinese origin and practice [edit]

The Chinese Diamond Sutra, the world's oldest Woodblock printing book from 868 CE

In Communist china, the art of printmaking developed some 1,100 years agone equally illustrations alongside text cut in woodblocks for printing on paper. Initially images were mainly religious but in the Song Dynasty, artists began to cut landscapes. During the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1616–1911) dynasties, the technique was perfected for both religious and artistic engravings.[20] [21]

Development in Japan 1603–1867 [edit]

Hokusai color print "Red Fuji southern wind clear morning" from Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji

Woodblock printing in Nihon (Japanese: 木版画, moku hanga) is a technique best known for its use in the ukiyo-e creative genre; however, it was also used very widely for press illustrated books in the aforementioned period. Woodblock printing had been used in Mainland china for centuries to print books, long before the advent of movable type, but was only widely adopted in Japan during the Edo catamenia (1603–1867). Although like to woodcut in western printmaking in some regards, moku hanga differs greatly in that water-based inks are used (as opposed to western woodcut, which uses oil-based inks), allowing for a broad range of vivid colour, glazes and color transparency.

Photography [edit]

Photography is the process of making pictures past means of the action of light. The light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded onto a sensitive medium or storage scrap through a timed exposure. The process is washed through mechanical shutters or electronically timed exposure of photons into chemical processing or digitizing devices known as cameras.

The word comes from the Greek φως phos ("calorie-free"), and γραφις graphis ("stylus", "paintbrush") or γραφη graphê, together meaning "cartoon with light" or "representation by ways of lines" or "cartoon." Traditionally, the production of photography has been called a photograph. The term photo is an abbreviation; many people also call them pictures. In digital photography, the term image has begun to supercede photograph. (The term paradigm is traditional in geometric optics.)

Architecture [edit]

Architecture is the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Architectural works, in the fabric grade of buildings, are often perceived every bit cultural symbols and every bit works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.

The earliest surviving written work on the discipline of architecture is De architectura, by the Roman builder Vitruvius in the early 1st century AD. According to Vitruvius, a adept edifice should satisfy the three principles of firmitas, utilitas, venustas, ordinarily known by the original translation – firmness, commodity and delight. An equivalent in modern English would be:

  1. Durability – a building should stand robustly and remain in good condition.
  2. Utility – it should exist suitable for the purposes for which it is used.
  3. Beauty – it should be aesthetically pleasing.

Building first evolved out of the dynamics between needs (shelter, security, worship, etc.) and ways (available building materials and attendant skills). Every bit man cultures adult and cognition began to exist formalized through oral traditions and practices, building became a arts and crafts, and "architecture" is the name given to the most highly formalized and respected versions of that craft.

Filmmaking [edit]

Filmmaking is the process of making a motion-picture, from an initial conception and inquiry, through scriptwriting, shooting and recording, animation or other special furnishings, editing, sound and music work and finally distribution to an audience; it refers broadly to the creation of all types of films, embracing documentary, strains of theatre and literature in flick, and poetic or experimental practices, and is often used to refer to video-based processes too

Computer art [edit]

Visual artists are no longer limited to traditional Visual arts media. Computers have been used as an ever more than common tool in the visual arts since the 1960s. Uses include the capturing or creating of images and forms, the editing of those images and forms (including exploring multiple compositions) and the final rendering or printing (including 3D press). Computer art is whatever in which computers played a role in product or display. Such art tin can be an image, sound, animation, video, CD-ROM, DVD, video game, website, algorithm, performance or gallery installation. Many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies and, equally a outcome, the lines between traditional works of art and new media works created using computers take been blurred. For example, an artist may combine traditional painting with algorithmic art and other digital techniques. As a result, defining computer art by its end product can be hard. Withal, this type of art is beginning to appear in art museum exhibits, though information technology has withal to show its legitimacy as a form unto itself and this applied science is widely seen in gimmicky art more every bit a tool rather than a class as with painting. On the other manus, there are reckoner-based artworks which belong to a new conceptual and postdigital strand, assuming the same technologies, and their social bear upon, as an object of enquiry.

Computer usage has blurred the distinctions between illustrators, photographers, photo editors, iii-D modelers, and handicraft artists. Sophisticated rendering and editing software has led to multi-skilled image developers. Photographers may become digital artists. Illustrators may become animators. Handicraft may be computer-aided or use computer-generated imagery as a template. Computer clip fine art usage has besides fabricated the clear stardom between visual arts and page layout less obvious due to the easy access and editing of prune art in the process of paginating a document, especially to the unskilled observer.

Plastic arts [edit]

Plastic arts is a term for art forms that involve physical manipulation of a plastic medium by moulding or modeling such as sculpture or ceramics. The term has also been applied to all the visual (non-literary, not-musical) arts.[22] [23]

Materials that can exist carved or shaped, such equally stone or woods, concrete or steel, have besides been included in the narrower definition, since, with advisable tools, such materials are also capable of modulation.[ citation needed ] This utilize of the term "plastic" in the arts should non be confused with Piet Mondrian'southward employ, nor with the motion he termed, in French and English, "Neoplasticism."

Sculpture [edit]

Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard or plastic fabric, sound, or text and or light, usually rock (either rock or marble), clay, metal, glass, or forest. Some sculptures are created straight by finding or carving; others are assembled, built together and fired, welded, molded, or cast. Sculptures are often painted.[24] A person who creates sculptures is called a sculptor.

Because sculpture involves the use of materials that can be moulded or modulated, it is considered one of the plastic arts. The majority of public art is sculpture. Many sculptures together in a garden setting may be referred to as a sculpture garden. Sculptors do not ever brand sculptures by hand. With increasing technology in the 20th century and the popularity of conceptual fine art over technical mastery, more sculptors turned to art fabricators to produce their artworks. With fabrication, the artist creates a design and pays a fabricator to produce it. This allows sculptors to create larger and more complex sculptures out of material like cement, metallic and plastic, that they would not be able to create by manus. Sculptures can also be made with 3-d printing engineering science.

U.s. copyright definition of visual art [edit]

In the U.s.a., the law protecting the copyright over a piece of visual art gives a more restrictive definition of "visual art".[25]

A "work of visual art" is —
(1) a painting, drawing, print or sculpture, existing in a single re-create, in a limited edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered past the author, or, in the case of a sculpture, in multiple bandage, carved, or made sculptures of 200 or fewer that are consecutively numbered by the author and behave the signature or other identifying marking of the author; or
(2) a still photographic image produced for exhibition purposes only, existing in a single copy that is signed by the writer, or in a limited edition of 200 copies or fewer that are signed and consecutively numbered past the author.

A work of visual art does not include —
(A)(i) any poster, map, globe, chart, technical drawing, diagram, model, practical art, motion pic or other audiovisual work, book, magazine, newspaper, periodical, data base of operations, electronic information service, electronic publication, or similar publication;
  (two) any merchandising particular or advertising, promotional, descriptive, roofing, or packaging material or container;
  (iii) any portion or part of whatsoever item described in clause (i) or (ii);
(B) whatever work made for hire; or
(C) whatsoever work not subject to copyright protection under this title.

Encounter as well [edit]

  • Art materials
  • Asemic writing
  • Collage
  • Crowdsourcing creative work
  • Décollage
  • Ecology art
  • Found object
  • Graffiti
  • History of fine art
  • Illustration
  • Installation art
  • Interactive fine art
  • Landscape fine art
  • Mathematics and art
  • Mixed media
  • Portraiture
  • Process art
  • Recording medium
  • Sketch (drawing)
  • Sound fine art
  • Vexillography
  • Video art
  • Visual arts and Theosophy
  • Visual impairment in art
  • Visual poetry

References [edit]

  1. ^ An article by art skilful, Shelley Esaak: What Is Visual Art?
  2. ^ Unlike Forms of Art – Applied Art. Retrieved 11 Dec 2010.
  3. ^ "Centre for Arts and Design in Toronto, Canada". 15 February 2011. Archived from the original on 28 October 2011. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  4. ^ Art History: Arts and crafts Movement: (1861–1900). From World Wide Arts Resource Archived 13 October 2009 at the Portuguese Spider web Archive. Retrieved 24 Oct 2009.
  5. ^ Ulger, Kani (i March 2016). "The creative preparation in the visual arts instruction". Thinking Skills and Creativity. 19: 73–87. doi:x.1016/j.tsc.2015.x.007. ISSN 1871-1871.
  6. ^ Adrone, Gumisiriza. "School of industrial art and design".
  7. ^ "cartoon | Principles, Techniques, & History". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 12 August 2020.
  8. ^ History of Drawing. From Dibujos para Pintar. Retrieved 23 October 2009.
  9. ^ "Cartoon". 2006. Archived from the original on xiv March 2009. Retrieved 23 October 2009.
  10. ^ "painting | History, Elements, Techniques, Types, & Facts". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 12 Baronial 2020.
  11. ^ History of Painting. From History Earth. Retrieved 23 October 2009.
  12. ^ "Art history | visual arts". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 12 August 2020.
  13. ^ History of Renaissance Painting. From ART 340 Painting. Retrieved 24 October 2009.
  14. ^ Mutsaers, Inge. "Ashgate Joins Routledge – Routledge" (PDF). Retrieved xv October 2018.
  15. ^ "Impressionist art & paintings, What is Impressionist art? Introduction to Impressionism". Retrieved 24 September 2018.
  16. ^ Impressionism. Webmuseum, Paris. Retrieved 24 October 2009
  17. ^ Mail service-Impressionism. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved 25 October 2009.
  18. ^ Modernistic Fine art Movements. Irish Art Encyclopedia. Retrieved 25 October 2009.
  19. ^ The Printed Image in the West: History and Techniques. The Metropolitan Museum of Fine art. Retrieved 25 Oct 2009.
  20. ^ Engraving in Chinese Fine art. From Engraving Review Archived 29 July 2012 at Retrieved 23 October 2009.
  21. ^ The History of Engraving in People's republic of china. From ChinaVista. Retrieved 25 October 2009.
  22. ^ Fine art Terminology at KSU [ dead link ]
  23. ^ "Merriam-Webster Online (entry for "plastic arts")". Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  24. ^ Gods in Color: Painted Sculpture of Classical Antiquity 22 September 2007 Through twenty January 2008, The Arthur M. Sackler Museum Archived four Jan 2009 at the Wayback Motorcar
  25. ^ "Copyright Constabulary of the U.s. of America – Affiliate 1 (101. Definitions)". .gov. Retrieved thirty October 2011.

Bibliography [edit]

  • Barnes, A. C., The Art in Painting, third ed., 1937, Harcourt, Brace & Globe, Inc., NY.
  • Bukumirovic, D. (1998). Maga Magazinovic. Biblioteka Fatalne srpkinje knj. br. four. Beograd: Narodna knj.
  • Fazenda, M. J. (1997). Betwixt the pictorial and the expression of ideas: the plastic arts and literature in the dance of Paula Massano. n.p.
  • Gerón, C. (2000). Enciclopedia de las artes plásticas dominicanas: 1844–2000. 4th ed. Dominican Republic s.n.
  • Oliver Grau (Ed.): MediaArtHistories. MIT-Press, Cambridge 2007. with Rudolf Arnheim, Barbara Stafford, Sean Cubitt, W. J. T. Mitchell, Lev Manovich, Christiane Paul, Peter Weibel a.o. Rezensionen
  • Laban, R. Five. (1976). The linguistic communication of move: a guidebook to choreutics. Boston: Plays.
  • La Farge, O. (1930). Plastic prayers: dances of the Southwestern Indians. northward.p.
  • Restany, P. (1974). Plastics in arts. Paris, New York: northward.p.
  • University of Pennsylvania. (1969). Plastics and new art. Philadelphia: The Falcon Pr.

External links [edit]

  • ArtLex – online dictionary of visual art terms.
  • Calendar for Artists – calendar listing of visual fine art festivals.
  • Fine art History Timeline past the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


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